Pierenzo Celli receiving the “FELTRE-LAVORO
1989” award for management

Company profile
• Over 40 years of experience
• Flexibility of problem-solving throughout the production process
• Northeastern Italy: world renown for industrial dynamism and creativity
• Certification ISO 9001:2000
• Certification ISO 14001 environmental management system
• Building relationships and trust among partner companies and local institutions

At your service since 1960

At the beginning of the '60's in a derelict garage,
Attilio Celli, together with his partners, founded an
engineering company. He had working with him young
students fresh out of the school where he himself was
teaching. Together they learnt that in order to grow,
you need to have trust, energy, expertise, commitment,
professionalism, creativity and satisfaction.
This mix of experience and life is now in the hands of
his son Pierenzo Celli, founder of Mo.Des, who has
guided the company through a period of rapid growth,
which has resulted in both domestic and international
success, with mould export orders from all over the



"Passion is what makes our products unique,
both in design and service.
The company team is always united around your projects with the common goal of providing the best
for your company.
Our expert team prides itself on providing functional, improved solutions, for the simple and the complex"

Pierenzo Celli

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